Before I go on any rants, I'd like to start with a short disclaimer. Well, maybe more like an acknowledgement of two things that will probably matter to some people who might be inclined to read this article or justify the things which I'll be lamenting. First, I'm not a fan of modern day "art". What I mean by this, is what I've witnessed from the music industry—over the past decade or more—is essentially a largescale lack or loss of basic talent which has been cleverly disguised by a largescale lack or loss of basic decency. Therefore, my desire to listen to, indulge in, or celebrate pop-music is very limited. I may be familiar with a song if I hear it in a store, a TV show, a movie, or a Kidz-Bop version my girls try to sneak onto our Alexa, but it's not because I'm a fan of pop-music or the artists [ insert gag sounds here ] who are manufacturing it. Secondly, and more importantly, I'm a Christian man who is rapidly turning into my father. And the older and wiser I get, the more comfortable I am becoming with the whole thing. I used to hate when my father would come into my bedroom and ask me what music I was listening to. If it was the radio I would have to roll my eyes and tell him it was the local alternative rock station, to which he would give me a look of disappointment and tell me to turn it off. If it was a CD, he'd ask me for the case and jacket; at which point he'd look through the picture in the album and the lyrics and begin to lecture me about the importance of honoring Jesus with what we consume. THE MUSIC INDUSTRY HATES GOD Look, I know this is going to come across as hyperbole. I mean, how can you say that an entire industry hates God, especially when so many people who win these awards give credit to God (either in their songs or their acceptance speeches). Before you get too upset with my perceived sensationalism, give me a minute to make my case here. Shoot, who am I kidding, let's turn to scriptures to let God's word make the case for me. In his letter to the Ephesian church, Paul addressed the topic of worldliness and how Christians must respond. It wasn't a recommendation or a suggestion. It was a command, and his command wasn't vague. Here's what he said about Christians and worldliness: Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light... Ephesians 5:1-8 Like Hollywood, the American Music Industry has also become a cesspool of sexual immorality, impurity, and covetousness. And if anyone is somehow ignorant to this fact, all they need to do is tune in for 5-minutes (but please don't) to the yearly public example of the celebration of this wickedness—which ironically titled the Grammy's—in order to confirm our my assertion. From the "red carpet" to the final curtain call, the evening is filled with countless examples of debauchery, sin, and wickedness. God gave Christians a promise, that "everyone who is sexually immoral or impure or covetous (i.e. an idolater) has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God". They are enemies of God, by their own wicked choice, as they worship the idols they have created and elevated as their own gods; namely, fame, fortune, and success in the godless music industry. Christians are not only commanded to reject theses things but are also called (specifically in this passage) to not become partners with them, or as Paul goes on to say in verse 11: "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them". This literally means, Christians are to reject these things and take no part in them, hence Paul's words: "take no part in the works of darkness", because they are a form of wicked and sinful rebellion against God and his holiness. There is no wiggle room here. There are no gray areas. These forms of evil are an abomination to God and Christians are not only commanded to reject them but also to expose them. Not to expose ourselves to them as secret or "guilty pleasures". THE MUSIC INDUSTRY HATES CHRSITIANITY Furthermore, it is quite evident that the music industry hates Christianity. Again, I'm not saying this as an oversimplification or in an effort to be overly dramatic. Just look at what comes out of the American Music Industry on its biggest stage of the year. Last year's "you've got to be kidding me" moment, during the awards show, was when Cardi B came out on stage, wearing less than her underwear, to share her artwork with a nationally televised audience, for the song, W.A.P. And no, I will not explain to anyone what that acronym stands for....but it could easily be relabeled, WICKED AND PROFANE. You see God rescued his people from wickedness like W.A.P. And he rescued them from the wages of their sin (Rom. 6:23). Sin leads to depravity and ultimately death. God saved Christians from this wickedness, "While we were still sinners Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8). But he didn't die so that Christians could remain in their sin and rebellion. He died to restore them to himself. Christians have been bought with a price and they belong to God. And as scripture tells us, over and over and over again throughout its pages, God is making his people holy. This means that he is setting Christians apart from the world. Not physically, not philosophically, and not metaphorically...but spiritually. His promise is to sanctify followers of Christ (i.e. Christians) and help them more accurately bear his image; in order that he might make his appeal to the godless world and lead them to repent of their sin and turn to their Savior. In this process, God gives Christians a new heart and a new mind. A mind that is able to discern evil and a heart that desires to honor God by rejecting what is dishonoring to him. That's why there is so much "Christian outrage" for things like the Grammy's. It's not because Christians need to "get over themselves" and "lighten up" and "stop being so judgmental". No, it's because whenever evil is celebrated as fun, funny, or entertaining...Christians know better. Christians know that evil is the very reason why men and women who don't know Christ will not only die, but will go to hell for eternity. That's why, when a gay man "dresses up as the devil with a bunch of demonesses suggestively performing sex acts on him while he and a trans singer sing back and forth about adultery with flames billowing behind them", Christians ought to be outraged. While the godless world laughs at eternity, plays around with the demonic, and lampoon the truth of God's word, Christians know that God is not mocked. This is how we know the music industry hates Christianity. Because they make a joke out of the things of God. While they summon the devil to center stage, for a slightly-dressed orgy, they take what is true and right and holy and good and turn it into a joke. They take God's mercy, patience, and longsuffering towards sinners, and instead of letting his character and love lead them to humility and repentance, they taunt God with their rejection and rebellion and do so while enticing American Christians to play along in the name of entertainment. THE MUSIC INDUSTRY LOVES YOUR MONEY BUT THEY DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU And the joke is on Christians, who so desperately desire to be relevant, that they are willing to compromise with evil. Christians who embrace this pageantry of depravity, better known as the Grammy's, because the music industry is willing to throw a bone to them, with awards like:
You see, the music industry doesn't give a damn about Christ or Christians. Sure, they want Christian's money and they want their attention...but they want it on their terms. They certainly don't want a Christian "artist" to take the stage and use it as an opportunity to tell the truth, share the gospel, or call sinners to repentance or face God's wrath. No, they want Christians who are willing to stay in their lanes and be grateful to take the crumbs of success and fame that the godless and mainstream music industry is kind enough to drop on the floor for them. WHEN SATAN CONVINCES YOU HE'S LIKABLE, HE CAN CONVINCE YOU TO LIVE LIKE HELL And here's the sad news. As silly and vulgar and godless as these award shows have become, many people (including many professing Christians) still look to them as the pinnacle of American culture. That's right. We have Americans who have figured out how to restructure molecules, within human cells, in order to fight diseases which have killed people for generations. We have men and women who have developed systems which allow humans to communicate with one another across the globe in the matter of seconds. We have men an women who have given the better part of their lives to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, and lead the lost to Christ...while expecting nothing in return. There are many Americans worth celebrating and honoring and applauding. But we'd rather watch and honor celebrities, while they shamelessly entice our children and us to live like hell. Why? Because we've fallen for the oldest trick in Satan's playbook. He has mastered his craft, and yet his temptations are the same. Reject, ignore, or shrug off the truth God has given us in his word. Save holiness for heaven and enjoy your time on earth, by living like hell. Sadly, far too many professing Christians will find themselves confused, on the day of judgment, when Jesus says to them: Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Matthew 7:21-23 Pilgrims, we must choose to honor Jesus, or honor those who hate him. We must choose to stand up for his truth or stand with those who reject and make a mockery of his truth. We must choose to expose evil and not take part in it (regardless what we have to gain from those with power of influence) or be exposed as workers of iniquity; who acknowledge Christ with our lips but deny him by our life. Where will you choose to stand? Who will you choose serve? Who will you choose to submit to and partner with in this life and for eternity? Let Paul's words to the Ephesians help you examine your heart and your convictions. And while Dr. Jill Biden and others seek the praise of men—on the stage they have given to the enemy—it is my prayer that more and more Christians will choose to be found on the right side of scripture; as friends of the gospel and followers of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
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