BIDEN GETS A D- FOR PUTIN MEETING, BUT AN A+ FOR TALKING DOWN AND MANSPALING TO FEMALE REPORTER.6/16/2021 Geneva, Switzerland (Wokeville Gazette) — President Biden didn't fare very well in his meeting with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, but he did an amazing job of mansplaining and talking down to a female reporter who pressed him on his overestimated self-assessment of the Putin meeting.
"Today's news cycle is quick paced, which means your stock is able to rise and fall rather quickly", said a spokesperson from the White House. "While it is true that the President didn't walk out of his meeting with very promising polls or popularity, what is also true is that he more than made up for it in his post-meeting press conference. He was able to quickly put a few female reporters in their place for asking dumb questions that didn't line up with the previously agreed upon talking points of ice cream and repairing relationships damaged by Donald Trump". Biden tried to wrap up his Q&A after fielding questions from just six journalists during an appearance that lasted around 30 minutes—about half the time that Putin spent during his own news conference earlier in Geneva, Switzerland. But other reporters kept peppering him with questions as he walked off stage, including CNN’s Kaitlin Collins, who shouted out about Putin, "Why are you so confident he’ll change his behavior, Mr. President?" "I’m not confident he’ll change his behavior! What the hell? What do you do all of the time? When did I say I was confident?" Biden shot back as he walked toward her with his finger wagging at her in the air. "What I said was—let’s get this straight—I said what will change their behavior is if the rest of the world reacted to them and they diminished their standing in the world," he said angrily. "I’m not confident of anything, I’m just stating the facts." Biden erupted again when Collins followed up by noting how Putin had denied any involvement in cyberattacks against the US and downplayed Russia’s human rights violations, then asked Biden how their meeting could be considered constructive. "If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business", Biden shot back before storming off. Most political pendants gave the President a D- on his meeting with Putin, and an A+ on his mansplaining and talking down to the female CNN reporter. |