ONE THING WE LEARNED FROM BIDEN'S TOWNHALL IS THE PRESIDENT DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO NOT BE RACIST.2/18/2021 In another baffling example of why old white men need to keep their mouths shut, President Joe Biden once again showed his ignorance by suggesting blacks and Hispanics simply aren't smart enough to understand how to get online.
"The other thing we found is—and I’m sorry to go on, but this is really important to me", mumbled President Biden in response to a question raised by a black woman. "The other part—portion is, a lot of people don’t know how to register. Not everybody in the community—in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts—know how to use—know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreens or at the particular store. So we’re also—I’ve committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in there. That’s why we’re also trying to set up mass vaccination centers, like places in stadiums and the like." Sensing the giant, steaming hot pile of poop Biden had just stepped in, Anderson Cooper made an effort to shift the conversation back to President Biden's compassion and concern, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. "Are you concerned about the rollout of this online", asked Cooper. "Because it has been incredibly confusing for a lot of people, not just..." "Sure", interrupted President Biden. Once again sensing the deep doo-doo Biden blindly walked into--by saying the quiet part out loud--Anderson Cooper attempted to gracefully walk the President towards an exit, by shifting the focus from blacks and Hispanics to a larger set of the American population who are likely struggling with confusion around vaccination. "You know, older people", said Cooper. "It’s younger people just trying to find a place to get a vaccine." This time it was clear one of Biden's handlers had been able to relay a message to him in his earpiece and help him shift his focus away from his condescending and patronizing attacks on minorities onto condescending and patronizing attacks on his predecessor; whom Biden continued to refer to as "the former guy". "Oh! Yes. And I have", said President Biden as he seemed to regain consciousness and composure. "Because look—look what we inherited: We inherited a circumstance here, where—and now for the first—we did a lot in the first two weeks—a circumstance where, number one, there weren’t many vaccinators. You didn’t know where you could go get a vaccine administered to you because there was no one to put it in your arm....So it’s all about trying to more rationalize in detail so ordinary people, like me, can understand. I mean that sincerely. I mean, I’m not—my—you know, my grandchildren can use that online—you know, make me look like I’m in, you know, the seventh century." Though there has been some expected fallout from Biden's racist rant, it is also clear that the President's main message was communicated clearly. Most people continue to blame President Trump (the former guy) for a poor response to the pandemic, while simultaneously holding out hope that President Joe Biden will be the long-awaited savior that will help America return to normal. |