Learning From Past Mistakes, the DNC Uses a More Ambiguous Method to Spy on the Trump Campaign.10/8/2020 Washington, D.C. — Shoo fly, don't bother me! Well, not exactly. What America witnessed last night, during the Vice Presidential debate, is a fly that took the spotlight. For nearly 3 minutes a fly took center stage, on top of Vice President Pence's head, and the results are blowing up the internet with memes and other political fodder.
"Ya'll know what flies like, right? Bulls**t", said one Twitter user. This and many other memes, tweets, and jokes aimed at Pence are filling up the Internet today. However, what most people aren't aware of is that there is an active investigation into the fly and it's origins. "We have received recent intellegence regarding a new deep-state effort called, Crossfly Hurricaine", said Ronna Romney McDaniel, the chair of the RNC. "We have good reason to believe the DNC has been training and releasing spy flies (codenamed: Sphlies) as covert operatives of the Biden/Harris campain." This week, President Trump made the decision to declassify and release unredacted intelligence regarding the F.B.I. initiative titled, Crossfire Hurricane. What has been discovered in the past several months is that much of the intelligence used to spy on Trump's campaign in 2016 was initiated by Hillary Clinton and the DNC. "We know that the DNC will stop at nothing to gain every advantage", said Romeny. "This includes breaking the law and bending the Constitution to fit their own needs. This is not only despicable, but is also illegal and we are ready to take any action necessary—including legal action where appropriate—in order to ensure we do not fall prey to a similar tactic in 2020." What we know today is that the fly gained immediate attention and has led to the Biden campaign to sell fly swatters for $5 (in their truth of flies marketing) and even register a website www.flywillvote.com, which redirects to the DNC's website iwillvote.com. "We find it very strange that within minutes of this innocent fly landing on Vice President Pence's head, the Biden campaign was ready to use this fly to their political advantage", said Romeny. "Not only that, but the fly landed on the Vice President's head right as he was unloading on Senator Harris for her assertions that the police are systemically racist. Not only are these flies being trained to spy on our campaign, but they are also working as vigilante distractors from the things that Americans deserve to know about." |